Welcome to Steveplayson.com. We’re glad you’re here. This is the space we created to honor Stephen’s music and carry forward the legacy of his original website, Steveplayskeys.com. It’s been both a labor of love and coping with loss,a challenge we deal with every day, with most of them still very much one foot in front of the other. In putting this project together, we want to share with you what we as a family most celebrate and grieve. That is to be thankful for how much he accomplished in such a short time, mourn the loss of what was to come, never know what might have been, appreciate all those who felt his presence while he was with us, and forever feel the warmth of the smile that was present in everything he did. Many of you nicknamed him “Soul Child” and we couldn’t agree more. If Stephen was playing music, there was a smile on. We feel there is lot here, so take your time and come back often. The more you do, the more you will be touched by his spirit and feel his soul. Please visit the remembrance page, we look forward to and want to here from so many of you we know, and so many others we look forward to knowing.
On the anniversary of the day you came to us, one year since you left us, this is our memorial to you. Happy Birthday Stephen.
Pam, Steve and Danny, June 23, 2017